Private physicians should help out with insufficient care

Private physicians should help out with insufficient care / Health News

DZVhÄ demands admission of private doctors to the SHI system in underserved regions


In order to ensure medical care in underserved regions, the planning of needs should also involve the use of doctors working in private practices. The calls of the Central Association of homeopathic doctors. „Thus, an improvement of the situation can be achieved in the short term“, explains Cornelia Bajic, chair of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Physicians (DZVhÄ). The DZVhÄ would very much welcome if this untapped medical potential were included in the standard care. „We do not fundamentally oppose the inclusion of non-medical service providers in care; It is difficult for us to understand, however, if not before the medical potential is exhausted“, said Cornelia Bajic in Berlin. Therefore, the DZVhÄ demands that homeopathy be taken into account as an independent therapy system in demand planning, which is in great demand by patients.

Homeopathic physicians make up a disproportionate share of private physicians. This is related to the fact that a high-quality homeopathy until a few years ago - until the establishment of the selective contracts homeopathy - in the contract doctor's office was not possible. Thanks to the selective contracts, it is now possible to lead a homeopathic specialist practice in the statutory health insurance system. But many well-qualified private doctors are barred there because of the legal requirements in the SGB V. From the point of view of the DZVhÄ, a more flexible regulation would make sense. (Pm)

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