Private health insurance for everyone?

Private health insurance for everyone? / Health News

Chief of the Techniker Krankenkasse calls for privatization of the funds.

The head of the Techniker health insurance calls for a privatization of the health insurance. In the course of discussions about health insurance contributions and additional payments, the head of the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) Norbert Klusen has found clear words: Politics - writes "Focus online" - would in Klusens view of the health system „totregieren“ and should be reformed to the effect that public health insurance would be privatized and thus equaled cash and private patients.

The health insurance funds should therefore be run in principle as companies and the members are not confused by ongoing health care reforms. In addition to the criticism of the current cash system Klusen found loud words of "Focus online" but also words of praise - and for the plan of Federal Health Minister Rösler (FDP) to reduce the cost of medicines. If this plan were actually implemented, then this would be the TK boss after "[...] the most courageous and sustainable reform that has ever made a Minister of Health in the pharmaceutical sector.".

However, the proposal of TK-Chef Klussen should not be confused with a citizens' insurance. In principle, this would be compulsory health insurance, which, for example, would cover both employees and self-employed persons in accordance with the principle of solidarity. The German Trade Union Confederation is currently preparing a corresponding reform proposal. (sb, 21.03.2010)

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