Pragmatic way with cannabis

Pragmatic way with cannabis / Health News

Pragmatic solution for dealing with cannabis


The Frankfurt Health Department Director Rosemarie Heilig (Greens) is looking for a pragmatic solution for the legal handling of cannabis. In a city-wide discourse Heilig wants to develop new solutions. The deputy appealed „to all actors in the city to tackle cannabis in the same way as it did for the Frankfurt drug policy Frankfurt way, has been characteristic and extremely successful for decades“, so the message of the city of Frankfurt. Namely „pragmatic and problem-oriented, cross-party and interdisciplinary, shared and open.“

For years, there has been a discussion about the legal assessment of cannabis, with the position of rigorous prosecution and complete decriminalization seemingly irreconcilable. „Instead of deadlocked policy debates, we finally need pragmatic solutions that respond to the specific situation in the countries and cities“, emphasized the Frankfurt Health Department. To the objectification of the debate, the first Frankfurt conference on cannabis should contribute here. On November 17, the health department head invited the city's Drug Administration and a council of police, science, medicine and drug aid to the symposium at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.

Unsatisfactory legal situation in Germany
The current legal situation is extremely unsatisfactory both for the numerous cannabis consumers throughout Germany and for the law enforcement authorities. For decades, the pros and cons of legalization have been discussed, but only in the medical use of cannabis has progress been made. Given the clear benefits that the active ingredients of cannabis bring with certain diseases, the use for medical purposes is hardly controversial. However, ordinary consumers do not benefit from this. They are still subject to prosecution in some states, even if they own relatively small amounts. In most federal states, there is a maximum limit of six grams at which the prosecution may suspend the procedure for insignificance.

Cannabis Symposium in Frankfurt
The Frankfurt Department of Health is now aiming for new solutions to the well-known problem. In doing so, the exchange between the various experts and participating institutions is particularly important to her. Because „Only those who exchange information and get comprehensive information will be able to act and in the end will be able to find the right path for our city“, emphasized Rosemarie Heilig. At the beginning of the cannabis symposium should, according to the message of the health department first „to inform national and international experts about the current state of cannabis research and to illuminate the debate in Germany from different professional perspectives.“ For example, Volker Auwärter from the Freiburg University Medical Center will report on the medical and pharmacological perspective of cannabis. Dirk Peglow from the Hessian federal association of the German criminal investigator should explain the evaluation by the police and Lorenz Böllinger of the University of Bremen becomes „to investigate whether criminal law is a suitable remedy for cannabis“, so the message of the city of Frankfurt. The view from addiction treatment is discussed by Gabriele Bartsch from the German main office for addiction issues.

Possibilities of decriminalization and controlled delivery
At the symposium, the view should also be directed beyond the horizon. For example, Martin Jelsma of the Transnational Institute (TNI) in Amsterdam will provide a global overview of the various models of decriminalization, controlled delivery and regulation of cannabis. Afterwards, speakers from Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland will present their respective ways to decriminalization and their experiences in everyday life in discussion forums. Jens Kalke from the Center for Interdisciplinary Addiction Research of the University of Hamburg will also report on the Schleswig-Holstein model project for the distribution of cannabis in pharmacies. The most recently publicized model of cannabis legalization in Colorado, where a normal sale is possible in specialty stores, Professor Heino Stöver of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences presented at the symposium. As a result of the wide range of speakers who assess the topic from different perspectives, the symposium as a whole appears entirely suitable for contributing to an objectification of the discussion and possibly even to the development of new solutions. (Fp)

Picture: NicoLeHe