Popcorn contains a lot of antioxidants

Popcorn contains a lot of antioxidants / Health News

But not unhealthy: high percentage of healthy antioxidants in popcorn


Popcorn contains more healthy antioxidants than fruits and vegetables. As US researchers at a meeting of „American Chemical Society“ reported in San Diego, especially the shell of popcorn contains especially many antioxidants (polyphenols).

Antioxidants play an important role as radical scavengers in the human body. They react with the free radicals and in this way prevent the so-called oxidative stress, which plays an essential role in (cell) aging processes as well as the development of various diseases. The study results presented by Michael Coco and Joe Vinson of the Institute of Chemistry at the University of Scranton (Pennsylvania, USA) show that popcorn contains significantly more of these health-promoting substances than previously thought.

Popcorn a popular and healthy snack
At the meeting of the „American Chemical Society“ The researchers presented their on Sunday „Analysis of popcorn for antioxidant capacity and identification of polyphenols“ (English. „Analysis of popcorn for antioxidant capacity and identification of polyphenols”). As Coco and Vinson explained, popcorn is not only one of the most popular snacks worldwide, but also for one „high-fiber, healthy diet“ suitable. According to the researchers, this was already known from previous studies, but only in the current studies was the total content of polyphenols in popcorn investigated. With surprising results: Popcorn contains significantly more antioxidants than most vegetables and fruits. The proportion of water in popped corn is particularly low (about four percent), whereby the polyphenols in the popcorn have a particularly high concentration, said the US researchers. At the water content of up to 90 percent in the fruits of their antioxidant content is usually greatly diluted, so Coco and Vinson on.

Popcorn as a 100% whole grain food
The highest concentration of antioxidants contained, according to the US scientists, the shell of popcorn. Joe Vinson stressed that „the bowls much more attention“ deserve, there „they nutritional gold pieces“ are. To date, the popcorn's shell has been known to the moviegoer as an annoying accessory to tasty snacks, but this may change as its health benefits spread. Also, popcorn without oils or other additives (sugar, salt) „100% whole grain food, its consumption recommended in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans“ According to Joe Vinson, the US researchers said „Popcorn be the perfect treat“, if butter, oil, sugar and other additives are used in the preparation. The best are here with hot air popped, otherwise unchanged Puffmais grains, so Vinson on. Popcorn stay „the only snack consisting of 100 percent unprocessed whole grain“, explained the expert. So most cereal products would be processed before use and then added with other ingredients. Although here too often the term „full grain“ In fact, the products for this name must contain only a minimum proportion of whole grains, explained Vinson.

Popcorn to supplement a balanced diet
Despite the high content of fiber and antioxidants, popcorn can not serve as a substitute for fruit and vegetables, but at most as a supplement in the sense of a balanced diet, said the US researchers. Because fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients that are essential for a healthy diet and that are not found in popcorn. With regard to the aging process of the organism, however, the almost double the proportion of polyphenols in popped corn could have a very positive effect, according to Michael Coco and Joe Vinson. The US researchers have already analyzed in previous studies already the content of antioxidants and other health-promoting substances in chocolate, nuts and other common foods. (Fp)

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Picture: Elisabeth Patzal