Sudden balding What to do in case of progressive hair loss?

Sudden balding What to do in case of progressive hair loss? / Health News

So treat hair loss effectively and permanently

Hair loss is a problem especially for many men. Although all kinds of shampoos and supplements are offered to stop hair loss, but by no means all have the desired effect. An expert explains how to help those whose hair loss is already well advanced.

Men are more affected than women

According to experts, humans lose an average of 100 hair every day. If these do not grow again, it is called permanent hair loss. One of the most common forms is circular hair loss (alopecia areata). Men are affected more frequently than women. For those affected it is usually difficult or impossible to stop the hair loss. Scientists are constantly looking for new therapies to help with hair loss. But often hair loss can not be stopped even with the latest remedies. Then sometimes a hair transplant can provide long-term improvement. More and more celebrities are counting on it.

Hair loss often affects men, but especially for affected women, hair loss is often extremely stressful mentally. An expert explains what can help with alopecia. (Image: pathdoc /

Many remedies have no effect

Recently, researchers from Japan reported that a specific ingredient of McDonald's chips should help against hair loss.

And according to scientists from the US, a new remedy for head hair regrowth has proven to be very successful.

Other medicines have been available in pharmacies for some time. These, however, often have enormous side effects and sometimes can even cause years of impotence.

In addition, the various means have no effect on some people affected. Then a hair transplant can be the solution.

Prominent men are standing for their hair transplant

Prominent men such as Jürgen Klopp, Christian Lindner or Elton John are publicly available for their hair transplantation.

But especially for women, hair loss can be extremely stressful mentally. As the University Hospital Freiburg writes in a recent release, however, a hair transplant can help once the hair has failed.

Dr. Danuta Sobczak from the Erich-Lexer-Klinik, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Freiburg University Hospital, has many years of experience in this procedure.

The trigger is usually a male sex hormone - even in women

According to the report, in about 95 percent of the cases of hair loss there is an increased sensitivity of the hair roots to the male sex hormone testosterone due to the nature of the condition.

According to the information, this so-called androgenetic alopecia usually begins between the ages of 20 and 40 years.

Already at the age of 30, about twelve percent of women suffer from hair loss, at around 70 it is around 30 to 40 percent.

Stop hair loss in time

If hair loss has not progressed far, in women, hair growth can often be stimulated by taking birth control pills or a hair solution.

Men can also counteract with a drug in tablet form. Dead hair roots, however, can not be reactivated.

Then, according to the expert only a hair transplant helps, such as from the back of the head to the forehead.

"The transplanted hair behaves like normal hair: it is hard-wearing, has the same growth direction as the existing hair and turns gray with age naturally. Dyeing and perming are also possible. " Sobczak.

"Decisive is the personal and individual preliminary examination and consultation of the patients by the attending hair surgeon. Only then can the conditions for hair transplantation be examined and the possibilities realistically assessed, "explains the dermatologist.

Transplant hair microsurgically

"Hair surgery is recognized as an effective treatment for hair loss in men and women and recommended in the treatment guidelines," explains Dr. Sobczak.

As the communication states, hair transplants are performed micro-surgically at the Erich-Lexer-Klinik.

Under local anesthesia, small groups or strips of hair root are taken from the back of the head, isolated under magnification and transplanted into the smallest passages suitable for the canal.

The procedure takes 2.5 to four hours. The decisive steps are carried out personally by the doctor, assisted by trained personnel. "That way you can achieve lasting and natural results," says the dermatologist. (Ad)