Is Rösler planning an additional 29 EUR head rate?

Is Rösler planning an additional 29 EUR head rate? / Health News

Plant Federal Health Minister Philipp Rösler (FDP) an additional capitation fee of 29 euros?

According to media reports, Federal Minister of Health Philipp Rösler (FDP) is planning an additional per capita fee at the statutory health insurance (GKV). As of 2011, all statutory health insurance members allegedly pay an additional 29 euros per month in addition to the statutory health care contributions. Lump sum means that the contributions are levied irrespective of the insured person's income. In return, the additional contribution of employees of 0.9 percent introduced in 2005, which is calculated on the basis of income, should be dropped. The income-related contributions should then be paid equally (parity) by employers and employees.

A capitation fee means that contributions have to be paid regardless of income. For example, high-income workers should pay the same contributions as those with low income. The planned reforms have been heavily criticized for some time by social and charitable organizations. As a "social compensation" Rösler wants to create a "tax-financed social compensation". However, the Federal Ministry of Finance does not disclose how this should look like. Only and alone it is announced that this compensation should cost less than 5 billion euros. To compensate for the "higher earners", an increase in the income threshold or an increase in the tax rates on high incomes should be included in the planning.

All in all, these plans are the first steps towards the introduction of a general capitation in the health system of the GKV health insurance companies. Next Wednesday, the Government Commission for Health Reform will convene for its first joint session. The Federal Minister of Health Rösler wants to prepare the capitation flat slowly and "carefully". Cautiously apparent, therefore, so that the insured do not immediately "go to the barricades" and "get used" step by step to the capitation. Critics claim that the introduction of the capitation fee should also be used to allow contributors to turn more and more private health insurance. The health system should thereby be de-solidarized and privatized.

As the "Märkische Allgemeine" reports, a deficit of about 11 billion euros is expected for the next year in the SHI insurance. It is therefore expected that, in addition to the flat-rate contributions of 29 euros, the general contribution rate of the statutory health insurance of 14.9 percent will be significantly increased. Already, some health insurance companies charge additional flat-rate contributions, which are around eight euros. (sb, 15.03.2010)

More news on the topic:
Headline rate meets clear rejection
DGB wants to prevent the capitation
Health insurance companies want more additional contributions
Hartz IV: The additional KV contribution comes