Poster campaign for more organ donations starts

Poster campaign for more organ donations starts / Health News

Poster campaign for more organ donations starts after the scandal


The willingness to donate organically decreases in this country since the transplant scandal incessantly. Meanwhile, a new negative record has been achieved. Now starts a poster campaign, which draws attention to the heavy lot of waiting patients.

Nationwide poster campaign at stations
With a nationwide action wants the German Foundation for Organ Transplantation (DSO) „finally give the patient a voice on the waiting list again.“ From February to June, around 1,200 posters are to be glued nationwide to train stations as well as suburban and subway stations, such as the DSO and its affiliates „Foundation for life“ reported. It should be achieved that inform more people about organ donation and fill an organ donor card. This against the backdrop of the drastically reduced willingness to donate organs.

New German negative record
Donor numbers had plummeted as a result of the transplant scandal in Germany. Trust in transplantation medicine has been shaken altogether. The preliminary figures of the annual report 2013 of the German Foundation for Organ Transplantation (DSO) show that last year only 876 dead people donated organs. In comparison to the last 23 years, this represents a new national-negative record.

Reorganization of organ donation
For the approximately 11,000 patients currently waiting for a donor organ, the situation is precarious. Because every day three people die while waiting for a donor organ. Against this background, it is hoped that the reorganization of organ donation will be successful. In doing so, the statutory health insurances were obliged to inquire about the organ donation readiness of their insured every two years.

For eight years on the waiting list
At the center of the DSO poster campaign are three young people who have been waiting for donor organs for years on behalf of the 11,000 patients on the waiting list. Michael Stapf, one of the three campaign faces, states: „I want to wake people up and show what waiting really means. Eight years waiting is something other than a few minutes waiting for the subway.“ The 28-year-old has been on the waiting list for a donor kid for eight years. (Sb)

Picture: Günther Richter