PKV new regulations are intended to facilitate change
PKV: new regulations should facilitate change. Social equalization could be endangered.
(16.08.2010) Once the statutory health insurance left and the return to the legal insurance was subsequently a serious challenge. But the change in the direction of the private health insurance (PKV) was often difficult. The Federal Government is therefore trying to loosen this system and to simplify the insured a change between private and statutory insurance.
So sees the planning of the government parties (CDU, CSU, FDP) z. For example, the return to the old regulation at the change of private health insurance. Instead of an income limit that has to reach a certain value over three years on average, insured persons should already have the option of changing insurance towards private health insurance in the event of a one-time reaching this mandatory insurance limit. Employees can thus make use of the opportunity again from 2011 and switch from a monthly income of 4162.50 euros in a private health insurance.
Simple change in the PKV, social equalization endangered
Experts expect numerous changes in the direction of the private health insurance companies due to the suggestions made, since these attract with particularly favorable tariffs and additional achievements. However, with the already tense financial situation of some statutory insurance, this poses a serious problem: dwindling insured numbers increase the risk of needing additional contributions and these in turn increase the risk of dwindling insured pay. A vicious circle that is likely to intensify in the course of the proposed changes.
Also, the fact that the private health insurance will not absorb everyone, but primarily only the healthy young people, worsens the situation of statutory health insurance in addition. They run away the well-off healthy customers and return in case of doubt in the age of legal insurance. After all, the return from private to statutory insurance should also be facilitated by the plans of the Federal Government. So it is z. B. Objective to abolish the three-year period of switching from self-employment to employment to facilitate the return from private insurance to statutory health insurance. The costs that this incurs for the public health system can hardly be estimated, but the trend is clear: a significant increase in the burden on statutory health insurance. (Fp)
Also read:
Simple change planned in the PKV
Additional contributions: A reason to change