Mushroom poisoning patients except mortal danger

Mushroom poisoning patients except mortal danger / Health News

Mushroom poisoning: mother and daughter except mortal danger

At the weekend, mother and daughter from Münsterland were taken to Münster University Hospital with severe fungus poisoning. Both had confused the highly poisonous tuberous mushroom with a mushroom and eaten. As the hospital announced on Tuesday, both are again out of danger to themselves. Well-being is according to the circumstances. The poisoning had caused severe liver failure.

Until the end it was not clear if a liver transplantation had to be performed. To detoxify the body, the doctors used a relatively new dialysis procedure. The toxins of the tuberous toadstool were removed from the patient's blood. On a transplantation can now be dispensed with most likely, said the University of Münster.
Last weekend, the doctors said that the next 24 hours are crucial for detoxification.

The conical and highly poisonous tuberous mushroom is often confused with edible mushrooms due to its great similarity. Even small amounts of the mushroom are enough to cause severe liver damage. If fast medical care is not initiated, there is a risk of fungal poisoning. (sb, 05.10.2010)

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Toadstools: Collectors suffered from liver failure
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Picture credits: Marion