Mushroom season starts warning of dangerous mushroom poisoning

Mushroom season starts warning of dangerous mushroom poisoning / Health News
Toxic or rotten: Health Minister warns against mushroom poisoning
The mushroom season has begun: As every year, from September on, many Germans will be drawn to meadows and forests to gather tasty mushrooms. Those who are not so familiar live dangerously, because confusion can quickly lead to dangerous mushroom poisoning. Partly with fatal outcome.

Experts expect a good mushroom season
Due to the weather, Germany's forests could become a paradise for mushroom pickers this year. Especially in the south of the republic. As Bayern Minister of Health Melanie Huml (CSU) said in a recent release: "Experts expect this year compared to the dry year 2015, a much better mushroom season for Bavaria."

"This is good news for mushroom pickers, but serious health risks caused by poisonous or rotten mushrooms should not be underestimated!" Warned the politician about the start of the "mushroom season".

Fresh mushrooms in basket on wooden table

In Bavaria, eight deadly species are known
There are thousands of different types of mushrooms (called "mushrooms" in Bavaria). In the Free State alone, there are around 100 species that can damage your health. Up to eight species are even considered deadly. Experts should be consulted to minimize the risk of poisoning by self-collected mushrooms.

Apps and destination books are not enough
"If you want to be sure when it comes to picking mushrooms, you should definitely seek advice from experienced mushroom pickers. A good option is to have the collected mushrooms inspected by a certified mushroom consultant. In contrast, a determination with books or appropriate apps is not enough. Especially with young inexperienced mushroom pickers it can then come because of confusion to poisoning, "says Huml.

Help from experts
The Bavarian Mycological Society has provided on its website a list of certified mushroom consultants and fungus experts in Bavaria. These perform mushroom basket checks and inform about mushroom species and mushroom poisoning. As a precautionary measure, leaflets have been distributed in refugee reception centers in several languages ​​so that migrants do not confuse dangerous mushrooms with edible ones from their countries of origin.

"Experience from last year shows that the risk of fungal poisoning also affects migrants. The reason for this is that migrants repeatedly confuse edible mushrooms from their countries of origin with poisonous and unknown doppelgängers in this country, "explained the Minister. This is also shown by a case from Münster. A 16-year-old refugee from Syria, who accidentally consumed tuber-leaf mushrooms, died there last autumn.

Symptoms can still occur after days
Mushroom poisoning can cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. "Discomfort such as shortness of breath, dizziness, or sweating may also be symptoms of fungal poisoning," explained Huml.

According to health experts, mild fungal poisoning, which is not life threatening, can occur between 15 minutes and 4 hours after fungal eating and last for several days. With severe and life-threatening poisoning, however, the first signs may take days.

Anyone who suffers from the symptoms after eating mushrooms should seek help from a doctor or from the poison emergency call of the federal state. (Ad)