Pill after emergency from on-call service

Pill after emergency from on-call service / Health News

In case of emergancy „Pill afterwards“ be prescribed by the on-call service


When it comes to preventing one „breakdown“ comes, it must go fast, if a woman wants to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. The emergency contraception acts only for a short period of time after the sexual intercourse.

After a contraceptive period, it has to be fast
Speed ​​is required if a woman wants to prevent an unwanted pregnancy after a contraceptive period. The emergency contraception only works for a short time after sex. Affected persons should consult a doctor immediately, since there is the so-called pill in Germany only on prescription. As the Professional Association of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (BVF) explained according to a dpa report, women can outside the normal practice opening hours at the nationwide standardized phone number 116 117 inquire about the next medical check-in service, which prescribes the drug.

Doctors may refuse emergency contraception
The physicians working there are not allowed to refuse the regulation because they work interdenominationally and on a state mandate for health care. However, as the BVF announced, it is different for medical professionals who are in the outpatient clinic of a denominational hospital in the field and not connected to the health check-up service. They may be bound by their employment contracts, which may result in a doctor refusing to prescribe emergency contraception.

Experts call for a prescription
Experts have been calling for a long time to cancel the prescription of the contraceptive preparation. According to dpa, the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices announced earlier this year that there were no medical arguments, „the mandatory to speak against dismissal from the prescription requirement.“ The Annual General Meeting of the German Pharmacists' Day had also previously voted in favor of repealing the prescription obligation. And for the North Rhine-Westphalian Health Minister Barbara Steffens (Green) is the prescription for the pill afterwards „overdue“. In the „Pill afterwards“ is the opinion of the left „definitely not an abortion pill“, because the pill no longer works in an already existing pregnancy. (Ad)

Image: Harald Wanetschka, Pixelio