Pilates to strengthen the muscles

Pilates to strengthen the muscles / Health News

Muscles strengthened from head to toe by Pilates


Pilates is more popular than ever. The effective training method was haunted by celebrities like Madonna and Cameron Diaz. There is hardly a gym without a Pilates course. Whether weight reduction or general fitness - Pilates can be practiced regardless of age. The training system is also suitable for both beginners and well-trained.

Pilates strengthens the interaction between body and mind
Pilates strengthens muscles from head to toe with controlled movements. This not only improves fitness, but also improves body awareness through the interaction of body and mind. During the exercises, on the one hand the muscles are stretched and strengthened, on the other hand the posture improves.

According to Elisabeth Graser of the German University for Prevention and Health Management / BSA Academy in Saarbrücken Pilates is suitable for trained and untrained people alike. Even the age does not matter. All Pilates exercises go from the so-called „Powerhouse“ or „Power Engine“, the body center, which is formed by the back and abdominal muscles as well as the pelvic floor. It protects the internal organs and supports the spine.

Pilates exercise „Swimming“ stretches the entire body
The expert calls the exercise „Swimming“ as an example, for which only a gymnastics mat is required as a base. The practitioner lies down on the mat and stretches his arms forward next to his head. He raises his head and arms lightly, with the view directed to the ground, so that the neck is stretched. At the same time the navel is pulled towards the spine and the gluteal muscles are slightly tense. The legs are stretched and raised slightly. The entire body remains in an extended posture. The actual exercise is to raise and lower the right arm and left leg at the same time without stopping the movement. The limbs should not be deposited on the mat. Then the pages are changed. On each side the exercise should be repeated five to ten times. Breathing is calm and even over the entire duration. Finally, arms and legs are placed on the mat and relaxed. Graser advises to imagine a long body during the exercise.

Other Pilates exercises use specially designed exercise equipment such as Reformer, Cadillac, Chair, Barrel and Spine Corrector. Beginners usually start with exercises that can be done without equipment.

The Pilates method was invented by Joseph Hubert Pilates, who was born in 1883 in Mönchengladbach. First, he called the exercises „Contrology“, because at Pilates, the muscles are controlled with the help of the mind. Since Joseph Hubert Pilates suffered from childhood asthma and rickets, he started exercising early to strengthen and strengthen his body. When he was interned in Britain during World War I, he developed holistic body training. (Ag)

Picture: Jürgen Reitböck