Pesticides and softeners threaten rivers

Pesticides and softeners threaten rivers / Health News

Pesticides, pharmaceutical residues and plasticizers in high concentrations in Germany's rivers


Pesticides in Germany's rivers pollute the environment more than previously thought. An EU-funded study by the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ) investigated the pesticide content of the pollutant content of the rivers Danube, Elbe, Scheldt and the Spanish Llobregat. The researchers found veritable chemical cocktails from drug substances, agricultural residues and chemical softeners. For example, chemicals can delay procreation and, in the worst case, even cause the death of individual species. Through the food chain is a spreading to humans evidenced.

High concentrations of pollutants and pesticides
Pesticides pollute rivers more than previously thought. The chemical pollutants are a major health hazard for fish, algae and microorganisms such as cancers and worms. Scientists at the Helmholtz Center report this, citing a completed study evaluating the data of 500 chemicals in catchment areas of the four largest rivers in Europe. Over a third of the substances found, including numerous pesticides, are present in such high concentrations that fatal effects on river dwellers such as fish and plants can no longer be ruled out. „The contamination of the rivers is now a Europe-wide problem“ warn the researchers. The study work shows clearly that negative effects on living things can no longer be ruled out, as the scientists in the journal „Science of the Total Environment“ to report.

Great health hazards mean the pollution of rivers, especially for crabs, mussels, insect larvae, algae and fish. Presumably, the hormonal substances would delay the reproduction. „In the worst case, the death of individual individuals is possible“, writes one of the study authors. Not only animals are exposed to the great dangers. Through the food chain, the chemical cocktails could also reach the human organism and thus also cause damage to health.

For their study, the scientists evaluated a database that had previously been created in an EU research project. This included the laboratory results of around 750,000 water analyzes of the Danube, Elbe, Scheldt and the Spanish Llobregat rivers. When analyzing the analysis data, the environmental researchers found to a large extent pesticide residues, so-called softener substances as well as numerous substances from pharmaceuticals. The pesticides came for the most part from agriculture. There they are used to protect crops such as wheat, corn or oats from diseases, pests and weeds.

Plasticizers in rivers by discharges
The plasticizers are diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) and bisphenol A (BPA) derived from chemical productions. The researchers assume that the substances reached the rivers through discharges of the farms. Bisphenol A was often the focus of the critical press, because the everyday substance hormonal effects are said to be. For this reason, a general ban on BPA for the production of baby pacifiers has been issued. However, BPA continues to be widely used in the production of plastics. It has been proven beyond any doubt that BPA causes lasting damage to human reproduction. Complications include premature birth, abortion, and male and female infertility. In addition, substances were detected by drugs. In high concentrations, the researchers found the painkillers diclofenac and ibuprofen.

73 pollutants compounds are classified as particularly important, the researchers state. Very dangerous is the pesticide Diazinon. This has not been used for some time in Germany and Austria and is already on the prohibition index. Nevertheless, significant concentrations of the plant protection product were found. According to environmental researchers, residual stocks of private households or agriculture are still used to control pests.

Inadequate EU Water Framework Directive
Many of the identified risk substances are on the EU list of the 33 most important pollutants, according to the research team. However, only these documented substances are regularly monitored by environmental authorities. In this context, the scientists demanded a fundamental „Revision and update of the list of chemicals in the EU Water Framework Directive“. The guideline foresees that rivers and lakes as well as groundwater will be largely cleansed by 2015 in terms of health and environmental aspects. „We were surprised that substances previously considered harmless, such as HHCB, which is used as a synthetic musk fragrance in personal care products, are found in critical concentrations in the environment“, said Werner Brack from the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ. (Sb)

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Photo: NABU / Helge May