Patient Guards Transparency in organ allocation
Patient protectors demand transparency in the appointment of organs
When it comes to organ allocation, the German Foundation for Patient Protection demands more transparency. Recently, the number of organ donations had fallen sharply. The patient advocates demand state solutions.
Patients are demanding more transparency
The German Foundation for Patient Protection calls for more transparency in organ transplantation in transplantation medicine. As founding director Eugen Brysch in the Tuesday edition of „Stuttgarter Nachrichten“ said, the central question was whether it was in the distribution of organs „Righteous“. „The population wants to be sure that the rules for organ donation are the same for all recipients.“ For this purpose, it must also be clearly regulated to which courts seriously ill people can turn if they want to have a doctor's decision reviewed. Administrative, social and regional courts would currently be pushing each other to the buck.
Request to Federal Minister of Health
Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe (CDU) was asked by Brysch to clarify to what extent foreigners in Germany receive organs. According to the report, the Eurotransplant Foundation, which is responsible for donor organ donation, wants to abandon the previous rule that five percent of the donor organs can go to patients who are not in the Eurotransplant area. It was criticized by Brysch that in the future every transplant center could do what it wanted. „And it's about a lot of money. Because these foreign patients are private payers. Here, a state solution must be found quickly.“
Decline in organ donation
Organ donations in Germany have recently dropped significantly and reached a new negative record in the previous year. This is related to the scandals of manipulation in the organ. But many patients are waiting for an organ donation. Around 11,000 patients are nationwide. But not enough donors are available. Only 28 percent of Germans are in possession of an organ donor card. (Ad)
Picture: Martin Büdenbender