Patients appreciate homeopathy with doctors
Survey: Acknowledging the patient's beliefs about his health, illness and healing was positive for most patients
Homeopathy is very popular, as evidenced by representative surveys. The knowledge of homeopathy has increased and homeopathy is being used by more and more people for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases or injuries. Either in the self-medication or due to a medical prescription. What patients appreciate about a homeopathic medical care and how this medical treatment is experienced, these questions were investigated by scientists from the Universities of Bremen and Witten / Herdecke. They will present their results at the Homeopathy Congress of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ), which will take place from 2 to 4 June in Aachen.
The researchers drew this information from 26 guideline-based interviews with women and men who themselves or their children have been receiving homeopathic medical care for at least one year. Some reasons of high esteem are anticipated here: such as the way of communication between doctor and patient or the possibility of active participation of the patient in the therapy. Also, the medical recognition of the patient's ideas about his health, illness and healing rated the surveyed patients as positive. „The design of first contact as well as subsequent decision-making processes seems to be of particular importance in the experience of patients“, is a conclusion of the research group from Bremen and Witten / Herdecke. (Pm)