Patient record in Hamburg hospitals

Patient record in Hamburg hospitals / Health News

Hamburg hospitals recorded more patients in 2013 than ever before


Last year almost 475,000 people were admitted to Hamburg hospitals. „This is the highest value ever measured in hospital statistics“, told the statistics office north on Monday.

Record in the Hamburg Hospital statistics
In the last year, more patients were treated full-time in Hamburg than ever before. Almost 475,000 people have been admitted by the hospitals of the Hanseatic city. A record in hospital statistics. „The average length of stay was 7.8 days in 2013 (previous year: 7.9 days). The number of hospital beds increased slightly by 0.3 percent to 12,163“, informed the statistics office north. The number of treatment cases increased by 0.8 percent compared to 2012, even by almost 14 percent compared to 2008. „On an annual average, 83.7 percent of all beds were occupied in 2013, which is hardly less than in the previous year (84.2 percent)..“

In Schleswig-Holstein, on the other hand, about 588,000 patients treated about the same number of inpatients as in the previous year. Compared to 2008, there was an increase of a good five percent in treatment numbers. „The average duration of a hospital stay (7.7 days) and the number of beds offered (15,969) remained unchanged in 2013 compared to the previous year“, so the statistics office north. Bed occupancy at 77.2 percent in Schleswig-Holstein almost matched the previous year's level of 77.5 percent.

Image: Michael Bührke