Perfume seems to make you more self-confident

Perfume seems to make you more self-confident / Health News

Survey: Two-thirds of Germans feel more confident about perfume


Three-quarters of women and men in Germany feel more well-groomed when they apply perfume. In two-thirds, the scent increases self-esteem. This was the result of a representative GfK survey commissioned by "". Accordingly, most Germans have more than one fragrance.

Women usually have several perfumes
64.7 percent of respondents said they felt more self-confident through the use of perfume and 77.8 percent better. Women in particular are more attracted by a scent (73.0 percent). For the survey, 2,130 Germans aged 14 and over were interviewed, 1,086 women and 1,044 men.

For example, 63.7 percent of participants use a perfume if they want to make a good impression on someone. More than half (53.5 percent) said they had more than one fragrance used depending on the occasion. However, while only 36.9 percent of men own several perfumes, 69.5 percent of women have several fragrances on the shelf. 47.2 percent of respondents (62 percent of women and 31.8 percent of men) also said they would like to try new perfumes. (Ag)

Picture: Günther Gumhold