Paracetamol in pregnancy is a high risk factor for fertility in children

Paracetamol in pregnancy is a high risk factor for fertility in children / Health News
Painkillers could affect the fertility of future generations
There are many medications that mothers should not use during pregnancy. Because the impact on the unborn offspring can be significant. Researchers now claim that mothers should not use acetaminophen during pregnancy.

Some medications are not recommended for expectant mothers. This also seems to apply to the analgesic acetaminophen. A recent study found that acetaminophen could damage the future fertility of daughters. The scientists published the results of their study in the scientific journal "Scientific Reports".

The use of painkillers during pregnancy can lead to impairments of the unborn child. (Image: Tinatin /

Painkillers in rats lead to small ovaries and fewer boys
In tests on experimental rats, it was found that paracetamol or the aspirin-like drug indomethacin should not be prescribed in mothers during pregnancy. Because the female offspring of the mothers develop less ova under the influence of the remedies than those who were not exposed to such medicines during pregnancy, explain the physicians. Affected female offspring also had smaller ovaries and give birth to smaller litters of babies. We now need to understand how these drugs affect reproductive development in the uterus, emphasizes Professor Richard Sharpe of the University of Edinburgh. So it is also possible to understand the full effect of such drugs. Male rats were also affected. They showed fewer cells involved in sperm production later in life. However, cells regain their fertility over time, scientists say.

For pain in pregnancy was previously advised to acetaminophen
Painkillers act on hormones called prostaglandins, which are known to regulate ovulation and the menstrual cycle. If the medications are not essential, women should take only the smallest possible dose, the researchers warn. Paracetamol is often considered the only safe way to treat pregnancy pain and is routinely used in all phases of pregnancy to relieve pain. So far, there has been no evidence that such a treatment could have harmful effects on the unborn child, the researchers explain. However, for example, the UK health authorities recommend that women should not use any medicines during pregnancy, especially in the first three months. If it is still necessary to take a pain medication, it was previously advised to take paracetamol, the scientists report.

Paracetamol has many negative effects on unborn children
It is important to remember that the study was conducted on rats, not on humans. However, there are many similarities between the two reproductive systems, says Professor Sharpe. The rats received the medication for several days and the effect unfolded after one to four days. The drug appeared to affect the immediate offspring of the mother, but it also had an impact on subsequent generations, the researchers say. Granddaughters of the experimental rates also showed smaller ovaries and an altered reproductive function. Some painkillers can affect the development of our so-called "germ cells," the scientists speculated. The study involved the use of analgesics over a relatively long period of time. We now have to investigate whether a shorter dose will produce a similar effect, says Professor Richard Sharpe and colleagues. Subsequently, this information should be usefully translated for human use. Scientists at the University of Edinburgh also found that the painkillers inhibit the production of testosterone in baby mice when administered for at least one week. As early as 2010, Danish researchers suggested that such drugs increase the risk of undescended testicles in male babies. In 2014, American researchers concluded that paracetamol may increase the risk of developing hyperactivity in children during pregnancy. (As)