Paracetamol, ibuprofen and co-painkillers are also effective in lovesickness

Paracetamol, ibuprofen and co-painkillers are also effective in lovesickness / Health News

Against heartache: Painkillers are also said to help with heartbreak

Most people have had to experience how painful lovesickness is. Researchers from the USA came now after the evaluation of numerous studies to the conclusion that painkillers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help against this mental suffering. However, the scientists do not call on treating lovesickness with such drugs in the future.

Love and pain are close together

Humid hands, rapid heartbeat, rapid pulse: most people have already been able to experience what being in love can do. Unfortunately, what can cause unrequited love or separation from a partner. Love and pain are close together: especially the ones whose relationship was long or intense and who has been terminated know that. A "broken heart" can cause not only emotional but also physical discomfort. Researchers from the US now claim that painkillers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen could help here.

Researchers from the US have found that painkillers could help with lovesickness. However, it is advised not to resort to psychic suffering on such drugs. (Image: K.- P. Adler /

How to deal with lovesickness?

If a pair of lovers part, friends are usually fast with well-intentioned tips against heartache on the spot. Some people find it better to distract themselves, others think, talk about it brings more.

Maybe drugs could help too. As a study published by researchers from the University of California in the journal Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences showed, some analgesics can also alleviate emotional distress.

"This work suggests that drugs like acetaminophen and ibuprofen could affect how people experience emotional stress," writes the research group led by Kyle Ratner, Amanda Kaczmarek and Youngki Hong.

Reduction of mental pain

In order to arrive at their results, the research group had compiled and evaluated various studies in recent years.

Among other things, they discovered that the same regions are active in mental and physical pain in the brain.

In addition, a study could prove a reduction of mental pain by the use of analgesics. According to the data, the intake of acetaminophen in patients with heart pain showed a significant improvement in lovesickness.

Less sensitive

However, the researchers also found evidence that such drugs may result in a change in empathy.

Thus, people who took painkillers could feel less with other people experiencing pain.

According to the experts, preparations such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can thus reduce the sensitivity for social experiences that are considered painful.

"These studies have the potential to change our understanding of how popular painkillers affect millions of people taking them," the authors said.

"However, this research is still in its infancy". Further studies are needed to examine the findings and to "fully characterize the psychological effects of these drugs".

Therefore, it is not advisable to fall back on painkillers in emotional suffering such as heartache.