Peppers not in the fridge

Peppers not in the fridge / Health News

Cold affects the taste of paprika


Vegetables such as peppers contain many health-promoting ingredients and are an ingredient in many dishes. However, so that the taste does not suffer, but should be paid to the correct storage, reports the news agency „dpa“ citing a communication from the consumer information service aid in Bonn. Although it is generally recommended for peppers cool storage, but the fridge is here rather unsuitable. Instead, storage in the cool pantry without direct sunlight should be preferred.

Peppers can be used as an ingredient in a variety of dishes raw or cooked. The vegetables are attributed to numerous health-promoting properties, not least because of its high vitamin C content and the minerals it contains. Extracts of plants have been used in natural medicine for centuries as a remedy. The most well-known application are the so-called ABC patches, which are used against rheumatic pains.

According to the consumer information service aid, not only in storage but also in the purchase of peppers, attention should be paid to some crucial details. For example, fresh peppers have a firm, smooth and shiny shell, but stains are a bad sign. (Fp)

Picture credits: Andreas Morlok