Panic fear of the dentist What can help those affected?
Hardly anyone really likes to go to the dentist. But when an upcoming visit causes sweating and pathological anxiety, it is called a dental phobia. In most cases, the fear of pain and unpleasant drilling noise is so great that those affected completely withdraw control examinations or necessary repair measures.
"Even the sterile practice smell triggers many defensive reactions and even nausea, so they avoid the walk to the dentist - with fatal consequences for teeth and health," Dr. Manfred Nilius, M. Sc., Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Head of the Nilius Clinic in Dortmund.
(Image: vadymvdrobot / of a dental phobia
Often a dental fear develops due to bad experiences. Misbehavior of the physician as well as severe pain in the treatment can be the reason for this. "Those affected often do not feel taken seriously with their fears and thus lose their trust in the dentist. Feelings such as loss of control or gagging can also trigger a phobia. Dr. Manfred Nilius. Not infrequently, the state of being mistreated is feared, as is the fear of suffocation or vomiting. As a result, many patients avoid a visit to the dentist for decades, thereby risking major and visible damage. This starts the vicious circle, because the more time elapses, the more complex the treatment becomes.
Free from fear to the next treatment
For a carefree walk to the next appointment, a quiet first meeting often releases tensions, breaks down inhibitions and creates trust. "For pain-sensitive patients, we also recommend an appointment in the afternoon, because at this time of day the feeling of pain due to a lower cortisol level is lowered in most people," Dr. Dr. Nilius and adds: "In the case of a more extensive treatment, analgesic sedation is recommended. In the process, patients oversleep in a kind of twilight state, which is a scary situation for them and can then directly start their way home. "
Even before drilling, sufferers today no longer need to fear, thanks to new and gentle methods. So a so-called water laser gently and without drilling noise removes bacteria using laser light and water. Due to a multitude of possibilities, the patient can be treated individually so that a visit to the dentist is as stress- and fear-free as possible. (Pm)