Pangasius fish fillets deception of consumers

Pangasius fish fillets deception of consumers / Health News

Buyers of Pangasius fish fillets are deceived


Every German eats an average of 15 kilograms of fish a year. Pangasius has become increasingly popular in recent years. The annual report of the Hamburg Hygiene Institute now shows that consumers are often deceived when buying this fish. Nearly half of the pangasius fillets examined were watered.

Fish has become increasingly popular in recent years
In view of the scandals surrounding rotten meat, BSE and Co., fish has undergone a considerable renaissance in Germany in recent decades. Health reasons play a role here. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends two fish meals per week, partly because of the high proportion of omega-3 fatty acids. In various studies, scientists also came to the conclusion that especially high-fat fish can prevent diabetes and heart disease. Statistically, every German eats around 15 kilograms of fish a year. Pangasius has become increasingly popular among consumers in this country in recent years.

„Substantial amounts of foreign water“
Especially in the form of frozen, bone-free fillets, the fish from Vietnam has conquered Europe, like the „world“ writes. Thus, the total annual production is estimated at more than one million tons. However, customers should take a good look at the purchase of Pangasius, since in many cases they are simply swept across the table. According to the Hamburg Institute for Hygiene and the Environment, the fish meat was stretched with water in ten out of nineteen packs, thus artificially reducing the amount of fish in the product. As the „world“ writes, the fillets would have in part „significant amounts of foreign fish“ contain, which is also by a „very soft, spongy consistency“ the filets have made noticeable. Although this treatment is not prohibited, the goods must be labeled accordingly. Usually this will be omitted. „In no case were the actual quantities of fish meat declared“, so the institute in its annual report 2013.

No health hazard - But deception
The city institution describes it in about 60 pages, which products are to be treated with caution and where health and environmental hazards lurk. Over 1.2 million laboratory analyzes and assessments, consultations and vaccinations were carried out by the Hygiene Institute in 2013. With eight percent of the food examined, a total of one in twelve complaints. Even though this is less than in previous years, the situation has not really changed since previous years, according to a spokesperson for the institute, that the statistics are now simply different. Foods are rarely classified as seriously hazardous to health. However, it is according to the hygiene experts in almost half of the offending food a consumer misconception - such as the Pangasius.

Horse declared as beef
„The annual report makes it clear that the people in Hamburg do not have to worry about food safety, for example, but official controls can not replace personal attention and sensitivity“, Cornelia Prüfer-Storcks (SPD), Senator for Health and Consumer Protection, loud „world“. The declaration of horse as beef in 2013 was a particularly stark example. In the Hanseatic city, 29 samples were examined in the context of this Europe-wide scandal, which, according to the hygiene institute, mainly concerned ready meals and meat products in prepackages, which according to the packaging were to contain exclusively beef. Horsemeat was detected in four products (Cannelloni, Lasagne, Burgers and Corned Beef). This is not fundamentally harmful to health, but many consumers find it disgusting. According to the institute, the origin of horsemeat is also extremely important, as animals for food production are subject to stricter requirements than, for example, farm or race horses whose meat should not be consumed by humans. It is said, however, that the veterinary drug phenylbutazone frequently used in horse racing has not been detected in any sample.

Additives in hookah tobacco and drug residues
The report also deals with hookahs, the so-called shishas. According to the Hamburg study, nearly half of the adolescents between the ages of 14 and 17 have already had such a pull. The tobacco used for this purpose contains humectants such as glycerol, which causes the formation of smoke and delays the burning of the tobacco. According to the report, in 77 out of 98 samples the dampening agent content, which was actually limited to five percent, was exceeded, in some cases more than 50 percent. This could, among other things, damage the larynx and cause irritation of the nasal mucous membrane. Worrying are also findings of drug residues in public waters. For example, diclofenac, antiepileptic drugs, beta-blockers, ibuprofen, lipid-lowering drugs and antibiotics have been found in concentrations that exceed environmental quality standards. As with the „world“ means, people are rather not endangered, as long as they do not drink from rivers. (Ad)

Picture: w.r.wagner