Health News - Page 839

New health fund southwest under roof and compartment

Gesundheitskasse Südwest: New regional health insurance company with around two million insured - Board members of the three funds agree...

New gender-specific health care

NRW promotes gender-specific health care 20/08/2011 Men and women are often very different health problems. However, these differences are only...

New gene therapy apparently helps against blood cancer

New treatment could revolutionize blood cancer therapy 09/12/2013 In the treatment of leukemia and other blood cancers, gene therapy opens...

New genetic cause discovered for MS

Multiple sclerosis due to special gene variant 07/10/2012 A special gene variant has a significant proportion of the disease in...

Researching New Dangerous Tick Disease

Examined new dangerous tick disease06/03/2014 It has long been known that ticks can transmit the dangerous diseases Lyme disease and...

New early detection option for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

Messenger discovered for the early detection of neurodegenerative diseases Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease cause irreversible...

New early detection of diseases in fetuses

Researchers are developing controversial procedure of early examination 07/06/2012 Genetic impairments of children can already be detected in the womb...

New training for doctors in clinical acute and emergency medicine

The doctor's day decides a new additional training for physicians In Germany, the additional further education "Clinical acute and emergency...

New research facilitates the selection of treatment for prostate cancer

Physicians are investigating side effects of various treatments of the prostateWhen prostate cancer is detected in men at an early...