Health News - Page 793

Not always cancer - incurable lung disease often result of smoking

Smoking leads to lung cancer - everyone knows that. But smoking also causes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which affects...

Not always a liberation of additional contributions in Hartz IV

Hartz IV recipients are exempt from the additional contribution of the health insurance since the beginning of the year. That...

Not just antibiotics for middle ear infection

Antibiotics in middle ear infection are no longer always the first choice 28.03.2011 A middle ear infection can overtake small...

Not wanted father Several women possibly fertilized with wrong sperm

26 women in fertility clinic may be fertilized with wrong spermIn a fertility clinic in the Netherlands, several women may...

Non-tanning GM apples in the USA

US Department of Agriculture allows cultivation of GM apples 02/19/2015 While in this country genetically modified foodstuffs are evaluated extremely...

No better than placebo therapy Shoulder surgery is often unnecessary

New study: Many shoulder blade operations are redundant Patients with shoulder pain often end up on the operating table. But...

Non-communicable diseases on the rise

WHO: Noncommunicable diseases world's leading cause of death 15/09/2011 In a recent report, the World Health Organization (WHO) has stepped...

Do not express If the pimples proliferate from the age of 30 years

Different causes of pimples and blackheads in old agePimples and blackheads are usually unpleasant companions during puberty. But many adults...

Not all children need afternoon nap

Sleep of children is affected by afternoon nap 02/24/2015 The afternoon nap is an integral part of the daily routine...