Health News - Page 74

Science finds new genes for a longer life

Physicians are studying the effects of certain genes on life expectancy Most people certainly hope to reach old age as...

Science reveals Methuselah genes

Science: Researchers discovered Methusalem genes. The genes are responsible for a long life. (04.07.2010) Researchers are the first to discover...

Science Down syndrome even in chimpanzees - already discovered the second case

Down syndrome is a chromosome defect in humans. Human cells usually contain 23 pairs of chromosomes, a total of 46....

Science The Struwwelpeter is in the genes

Researchers identify the genetic cause of Struwwelpeter syndromeThe Struwwelpeter is known from the fairy tale of the same name for...

Science confirmed Several people have their names literally displayed

Many people are similar to their own nameIt is said again and again that dog owners often look similar to...

Science In asthma, certain helper cells become disease triggers

Scientists identify the molecular cause of asthmaAlthough asthma is relatively easy to control in the symptoms, it can not yet...

Science baby teeth can indicate early evidence of an autism risk

Physicians examine baby teeth for exposure to various metalsFor decades researchers have been trying to find out why some children...

Science Aspirin can reverse tooth decay and regenerate teeth

Will aspirin be used to treat dental problems in the future??Many people take aspirin to fight their headaches, for example....

Know mint or peppermint Where are the certain differences?

Mint and peppermint: what's the difference?Many associate "mint" primarily with the well-known "peppermint". It has an invigorating, pungent taste that...