Health News - Page 731

Herbal medicines for the first aid kit

Herbal remedies for the first-aid kit 06/29/2012 Millions of Germans are looking forward to their holiday in the south in...

Pay attention to the quality of herbal medicines

Herbal medicines - pay attention to the drug quality! 15/10/2014 In recent months, twice passions-containing preparations had to be recalled...

Herbal remedies for diabetes and Alzheimer's

Researchers discuss and discuss about herbal medicines 08/28/2012 Herbal agents of natural medicine such as red wine extracts, hops, legumes...

Herbal alternative to gelatine

Herbal alternative to gelatine: agar-agar in the kitchen Self-cooking and baking are back in fashion. Home-made not only tastes delicious,...

Plant active ingredients against breast cancer

Prevention and treatment of breast cancer with plant hormones 13/09/2011 So-called plant hormones (phytohormones) can be used to treat breast...

Plant active against osteoporosis and arthritis

Herbal magnolia ingredient could protect against osteoporosis and arthritis 27/08/2011 Scientists at the University of Bern have discovered a herbal...

Plant substances in fruits and vegetables help with weight loss

Certain fruits and vegetables promote weight lossMany people want to lose weight. Especially at the beginning of the year, most...

Plant substances of licorice root against diabetes

Livery root plant matter helps to prevent diabetes in mice 04/17/2012 A team of German and US scientists found that...

Plant material protects against radiation damage

International research team finds remedies for radiation sickness 15/10/2013 Broccoli as a miracle weapon? An international research team may have...