Health News - Page 627

Giant bear claw can lead to burns & skin rashes

The Giant Bear Claw (also called Herkulesstaude) spreads in many areas of Germany. Physicians are already warning against the incalculable...

Smelling Disorder Signs of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

Smelling disorders can indicate illnesses 10/01/2013 Many people suffer from a loss of sense of smell without perceiving it as...

Proper hand washing Optimum hand hygiene reduces the risk of infection

By hand washing drastically reduce the risk of infection Although small children are taught to wash their hands regularly and...

Proper handling of HIV infections is required

How to react to the HIV infection of a friend? 01/12/2011 Even today, around 2,700 people in Germany suffer from...

Proper handling of beer or schnapps Parental advice on alcohol concerns in children

Alcohol worries in children: experts advise parentsAlthough it has been shown in recent years that children and adolescents today drink...

Right Heartache Take this chestache seriously

Sudden onset chest pain a serious warning signIn case of sudden chest pain most people understandably are afraid and the...

Proper therapies for thrombosis determine life and death

Deep Vein Thrombosis: Proper anticoagulation treatment can save livesVenous thromboembolism is the third most common leading to death cardiovascular disease...

Proper therapy for tennis elbow

Proper therapy for tennis elbow is crucial for healingIt may come as a surprise, but the so-called tennis elbow is...

Proper storage Many medicines must be in the refrigerator

Cool and dry: this is how medicines are best storedMost medicines should always be protected from heat. Some preparations must...