Health News - Page 58

Miracle Sport can help cure cancer

Exercise can extend the life expectancy of cancer patients Constant fatigue, extreme fatigue, concentration problems and almost no power: Many...

Miracle cure coffee against all common diseases?

Nutritionists find panacea for common diseases: Coffee protects against: diabetes, depression, cancer, Alzheimer's, gout, stroke and heart disease 04/20/2012 Coffee...

Miracle drug discovered against chilli spiciness

Mascarpone with toast best against chilli spiciness 09/05/2014 Many people grab a glass of milk after eating chilli in the...

Miracle drug cannabis hemp destroys cancer

New mechanisms of anti-cancer effect in the hemp plant discovered26/12/2014 Researchers at the University of Rostock were able to prove...

Miracle Drugs Broccoli consumption can prolong your life

Some vegetables seem to slow down the aging processVegetables are healthy. Every kid knows that, and certainly every adult. But...

Wonder drug apple regulates digestion

Study of the Food Research Institute of the Technical University of Copenhagen: wonder drug apple regulates digestion Even as a...

Wunderknolle ginger helps against many diseases

In Asia, ginger has been used for millennia not only in the kitchen, but also as a natural remedy. In...

Wunderknolle Ginger Especially healthy in autumn

Ginger - an all-rounder in many diseases 07/10/2014 Ginger has been a natural remedy and home remedy for millennia. The...

Wonder berries like goji, noni, acerola or acai can rejuvenate people?

How healthy the miracle berries really are?Goji, noni or acai - more and more people swear by the miracle berries,...