Health News - Page 573

Sleep disorders in Germany on the rise

Sleep disorders in Germany on the rise: According to the statutory health insurance DAK have 10 percent of German sleep...

Sleep Disorders Large tongue and tonsils may indicate obstructive sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea blocks breathing and prevents restful sleepThe size of our tonsils may indicate whether or not we have...

Sleep disorders due to stress at work

Many suffer from sleep disorders as a result of stress at work 04/28/2014 The stress of working life accompanies many...

Sleep disorders in adolescents through screens

Sleep problems in adolescents due to too much time in front of the screen05/02/2015 According to a new study, adolescents...

Sleep disorders, tiredness and Co hypothyroidism can be treated well

Hypothyroidism: When the metabolism gets out of balanceWhen problems with the thyroid gland often the entire metabolism gets out of...

Sleep pattern Late-rising owls have a hard time at school

In Germany, the school usually starts at eight o'clock in the morning. The individual biorhythm of young people is ignored....

Sleep quality and not sleep time is crucial for performance

Sleep duration with less impact than the sleep quality Sleep disorders can have far-reaching consequences, with a sleep deficit being...

Sleep problems Increasing rush in the sleep laboratory

Big rush in the sleep laboratory05/04/2015 Around every fourth adult German citizen suffers from sleep disorders. In the longer term,...

Sleep problems log can help sufferers

Problems with sleep - many can help protocol leadAround a quarter of the adult German citizens suffer from sleep disorders....