Health News - Page 418

Study effects of the immune system on our social skills

Our immune system influences social behavior and neurological disordersIs there a connection between our immune system and social deficits? Researchers...

Study oyster mushrooms lower elevated blood lipid levels

Eliminate high cholesterol levels by oyster mushrooms 03/17/2015 Many people have problems with their cholesterol levels, which can lead to...

Study eye damage from aspirin

Regular aspirin intake can damage the eyes 22/01/2013 Regular intake of aspirin over a long period of time can cause...

Study eyes reveal sexual orientation

Pupil reaction as an indicator of sexual orientation 08/06/2012 Based on the eyes can be read the sexual orientation. Like...

Study Even modern birth control pills increase the risk of breast cancer

Outweigh the disadvantages of taking birth control pills their benefits? Today, there are modern birth control pills that contain less...

Study Depression also severely damages our heart

Depression is also a danger to the heartIt has long been known that factors such as overweight or obesity, high...

Study brain asymmetries are an early indication for Alzheimer's

Dementia disease affects the symmetry of the brain hemispheresIt has long been known that brain structures in dementia sufferers such...

Study aspirin protects against cancer?

ASA for cancer screening? A British study claims that daily intake of the aspirin drug acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) reduces the...

Study poverty affects health

Feeling poverty with a greater impact on health 02/21/2014 It has long been known that poor people become ill more...