Health News - Page 401

Study heart patients sicker by aircraft noise

Health hazard: Aircraft noise harms heart patients25/08/2014 Aircraft noise hurts the health and makes heart patients even sicker, as a...

Study heart defects in babies due to obesity

Obesity in Pregnant Women: Risk of Heart Failure in Babies? In a recent study by US researchers, obesity in pregnant...

Study hepatitis B and hepatitis C increase the risk of Parkinson's

Physicians are studying effects of hepatitis on Parkinson'sParkinson's is a widespread disease of the central nervous system. Researchers have now...

Study cravings by cannabis

Study shows: cravings are triggered by cannabinoids 02/26/2015 Certain nerve cells, which are normally polarized to curb appetite, can, with...

Study Hartz IV harms the life satisfaction

Unemployment puts a strain on life satisfactionLosing a job and being unemployed for a long time can result in considerable...

Study cell phones rob children of sleep

Robbed sleep: smartphones out of the nursery 11/01/2014 Mobile phones, tablets and Co. keep children from sleeping. And even more...

Study cell phone rays promote cancer emergence

Study: Cell phone rays cause tumors to grow08/03/2015 A recent study, commissioned by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection, concludes...

Pregnancy Stress Suffers the unborn baby

Too much mother stress has a negative effect on the babyScientific research has shown that it can be detrimental to...

Study Green tea supports the brain

Cognitive performance increases with green tea extract 08/04/2014 Green tea has a positive effect on the brain or its cognitive...