Health News - Page 380

Study Slowed heartbeat not responsible for early death

Asymptomatic bradycardia does not increase risk of cardiovascular diseasePeople with a slow heart rate have an increased risk of heart...

Trial Shortened life through belly fat

High belly fat reduces life expectancy 05/26/2014 Belly fat is generally considered a particularly harmful body fat. A recent study...

Study depressions depress the hippocampus?

Major depressive disorder, especially if they start or occur frequently at younger ages, leads to a reduction of the hippocampus....

Study downplayed cell phone risks

Experts criticize Danish study on cell phone risks 31.10.2011 The dispute over the impact of cell phone radiation on health...

Study behavioral therapies particularly efficient in ADHD in adulthood

Effectiveness of adult ADHD treatment has been studiedAttention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD) are mainly known as Childhood Disease, but...

Study Inherited trauma

Traumas are apparently vererbar05/28/2014 Extreme experiences change those affected. And often years later, their children. Researchers have now discovered a...

Study doubling the survival time in liver metastases possible

Treat liver metastases by colon cancer with a combination of heat and chemistry Colorectal cancer is the second most common...

Study Consumers often use sunscreen with insufficient protection

For many users, cosmetic factors are more important than the sun protection factorEspecially in summer, it is likely that your...

Study vegetarians live longer

Study: Vegetarians live longer than non-vegetarians 06/06/2013 „Vegetarian diets are associated with a lower death rate“, found a study by...