Health News - Page 367

Studies High risk of breast cancer in women due to periodontitis

Promotes periodontitis breast cancer?In women who develop periodontitis after menopause, there is an increased risk of getting breast cancer, according...

Studies Similar proteins protect the skin of humans like turtles

A working group around the molecular biologist Leopold Eckhart from the Department of Dermatology at MedUni Vienna found in a...

Studies Helps whole foods for depression?

Let depression be avoided by eating whole foods? Depression has a long-term effect on the lives of those affected and...

Studies Herpes zoster can trigger heart attack and stroke

A herpes zoster can trigger a heart attack or a stroke in seniors. The greatest risk is in the first...

Studies Bright daylight protects children from myopia

Avoid nearsightedness in children by playing outdoors Clearly, outdoor play can protect children from nearsightedness, as bright light releases dopamine...

Studies Hartz IV sufferers die earlier

Poor people die earlyZurich Life Insurance found out: poor people die earlier. Men with a good income live about eleven...

Studies Good friends could increase our pain tolerance

A big social network helps us deal better with pain and stressResearchers are now studying the impact of social networks...

Studies Big cities make people sick

Big cities make people sick 08/30/2013 For many people, life in the city has a negative impact on the psyche,...

Studies happiness in love, misfortune in weight

Happiness in love makes couples overweightHappy couple go through "fat and thin". But most of the time it stays with...