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Health News - Page 234
Improved non-smoking protection could prevent up to 30 percent of cancer deaths
Hundreds of thousands of cancer deaths prevented by effective non-smoking protectionSmoking causes massive health problems and millions of people die...
Improved cell cleaning for protection against diseases and aging processes
Improved removal of cell waste? For the first time, it has been possible to understand a key process in all...
Improved care through oncology concept
Hessian oncology concept should improve the care of cancer patients 02/20/2014 With a special oncology concept, Hessen wants to achieve...
Improved treatment options for victims of burns
New procedure for better wound healing after burnsFor larger burns skin grafts are often necessary because the affected skin can...
Improved therapy alleviated tinnitus symptoms according to the study
How can people with tinnitus be helped? Tinnitus is a disease that causes sufferers to constantly hear sounds, without really...
Improved therapy for stroke patients presented
Novel procedure: revolution of stroke therapy Every year more than a quarter of a million people in Germany suffer a...
Improved medical care for migrants
Better medical care for migrants announced04/03/2015 People with a migration background have a hard time not only in their careers...
Improved intensive care unit of the future
Intensive care unit of the future Charité launches pilot project for improved intensive care unit 26/10/2013 The Berlin University Hospital...
Improved cardiac output Exercise tablets have similar effects to sports
New drug could help especially people with right heart failureIn a so-called heart failure, the heart does not supply the...
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