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Health News - Page 2100
Recent study measured protective effect of nuts in colorectal cancer
Nuts, according to recent studies by nutritionists at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, can reduce the growth of cancer...
Recent study psoriasis indicates an increased risk of heart attack or stroke
Psoriasis: For psoriasis, take cardiovascular risks into consideration Many people who have psoriasis are at an increased risk of heart...
Current study sleep disorders increase the risk of dementia
What role does a healthy sleep play in likelihood of developing dementia??Can our sleep affect the risk of people being...
Current study Resistant salmonella in cats also transmissible to humans
Supperereger in cats can be transmitted to humans and livestockIs it possible that a resistant bacterial strain transfers from animals...
Recent study couples are not happier with more sex?
More brings more?Sexuality makes you happy. For the moment and for a while afterwards. Responsible for this are certain happiness...
Recent study osteopathy helps infants to be completely free of side effects
Osteopathy helps infants with no side effects A study has found that osteopathy improves between 50% and 80% of the...
Recent study Mediterranean diet strengthens our brain
Mediterranean diet is rightly considered healthy. These include vegetables such as zucchini, peppers and eggplant, lots of fish, little meat,...
Current study Light cigarettes lead to an even higher risk of lung cancer
Why are light cigarettes so harmful to the lungs??Surely we all know that smoking cigarettes harms your health. Many people...
Current study Life threatening bleeding risk with long-term aspirin intake
Long-term aspirin intake causes increased risk of gastrointestinal bleedingAspirin (active ingredient acetylsalicylic acid) is one of the most commonly used...
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