Current study Resistant salmonella in cats also transmissible to humans

Current study Resistant salmonella in cats also transmissible to humans / Health News
Supperereger in cats can be transmitted to humans and livestock
Is it possible that a resistant bacterial strain transfers from animals to humans? Australian researchers now discovered such a bacterial strain in a domestic cat. This so-called super-agent could be able to infect humans and livestock and thus become a major public health threat.

A team of scientists from Murdoch University, the University of Sydney, Concord Hospital and the University of Adelaide in Australia found a Salmonella strain in a cat that is resistant to carbapenems. This drug is used as the last line of defense against Salmonella in Australian hospitals. The doctors published a press release on the results of the investigation.

Cats are very popular with many people and are often kept as pets. Australian researchers now found a resistant bacterial strain in cats that could become a public health hazard. (Image: Saklakova /

It is important to prevent the spread of infections
"For the first time, we discovered a salmonella strain in a pet that is resistant to most antimicrobial drugs," say the experts. This resistance poses a serious threat to public health, explains the author. Sam Abraham. Collaboration between specialists in animal and human health led to the identification of resistant bacteria. Now it is necessary to contain the bacterial strain and prevent the spread of the infections, the scientists explain.

Cat carries bacterial strain with highly resistant IMP-4 gene in itself
The bacteria were detected when a cat with an upper respiratory infection developed a bowel infection in the Concord Veterinary Clinic in New South Wales during treatment, the researchers say. The initial analysis of Salmonella revealed that this bacterium had never been discovered in Australia before. The cat had been infected with a salmonella bacterial strain with the highly resistant IMP-4 gene, explain the physicians.

Three additional cats are infected
Another eight cats at the veterinary clinic were then tested for the bacterium. Three of the animals tested actually carried the resistant bacterium. Dr. Richard Malik from the University of Sydney and dr. Elaine Cheong of Concord Hospital was tasked with curbing the outbreak.

Doctors: Outbreak is under control
One of the animals had no symptoms even though it had been kept in the same room. However, the cat had no direct contact with the sick animal and was transferred to another room of the clinic, explains Dr Malik. The outbreak was well controlled. However, the positive tests of the other cats showed that the bacterial species could be very transmissible.

Seagulls in New South Wales also carry the bacterial strain
The study of the superhero showed that this high level of antimicrobial resistance has not yet been established in domesticated animals in Australia, although the birds of a seagull colony from New South Wales also appear to be infected with the bacterial strain, says Dr. Abraham.

The resistance of seagulls was built up by the action of heavy metals?
We are not sure how these birds got infected, the authors say. However, it can not be ruled out that such resistant bacteria also occur in the natural environment. For example, there is the possibility that the resistance of the bacteria has been built up by the action of heavy metals. This could also explain the increase in their resistance to common antimicrobial drugs, the researchers suspect.

Researchers detect plasmids in the Salmonella organism
"We were able to identify a complete genetic element within the Salmonella organism," the scientists report. This is known as a plasmid and carry antibiotic resistance genes in it. Such plasmids can easily be transferred to other bacteria, the experts explain. (As)