Health News - Page 21

Too few children receive measles vaccination Health Minister criticized the vaccine opponents

European Immunization Week: German health minister criticizes vaccine opponents In contrast to many other European countries there is no compulsory...

Too little blood donations Gröhe calls for donations

Federal Health Minister and BZgA call for blood donation 06/13/2014 The Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) and the Federal Center...

Too few blood donations due to influenza cell

State Medical Association calls for blood donation04/03/2015 The stocks of blood products shrink in Hesse because of the current cold...

Too little exercise is more dangerous than smoking, diabetes and heart disease

Lack of fitness: unhealthier than smoking, diabetes and heart disease Health experts repeatedly point out how useful it is to...

Too few jobs for disabled people

World Day of Disabled People: Black Year for Disabled People in the German Labor Market 02/12/2010 On the occasion of...

At Christmas, there will be a pill for free

U. Kingdom: There is Christmas „Pill afterwards“ free 09/12/2011 German gynecologists are shocked: In Britain, women can „Pill afterwards“ order...

Too many vitamin D pills have health risks

Nutritional supplementation with vitamin D hardly benefits Although a study was published last year, which came to the conclusion that...

Too many prescriptions of opioids

Osteoarthritis and back pain are too often prescribed to opioids 05/31/2013 Osteoarthritis and back pain are treated too often with...

Too many harmful preventive checkups during pregnancy

Study: Pregnant women have too many tests doneToday's modern medical examination methods allow relatively close observation of the unborn child...