Health News - Page 2065

Anxiety dreams point to strained psyche

Posttraumatic stress disorder after misfortune can cause anxiety dreams 03/11/2014 People who experience a disaster such as a serious car...

Anxiety disorders New guideline for treatment

New treatment guideline for the treatment of anxiety disorders 08/05/2014 If anxiety takes on morbid forms, so-called anxiety disorder is...

Anxiety attacks can be an early symptom of Alzheimer's

Researchers are investigating the connection between anxiety and Alzheimer's When people experience the symptoms of increased anxiety, this can be...

Fear conditions in children Parents should urgently take the first warning signs seriously

Fear of children must always be taken seriouslyFear of going to the dark cellar? Eerie figures under the bed? Such...

Anxiety What is the best cure for dental phobia?

What really helps against anxiety on the dentist chair Fear of dental treatment is widespread - not just in children....

Fear of dentist drill similar to spider phobia

Dentist drill panic is similar to the fear of spiders 04/01/2014 Few people like to go to the dentist. Many...

Fear of bird flu in China

Avian flu deaths arouse fears of the Chinese population 01.04.2013 In China, there is a fear of a new variant...

Fear of spider therapy in the morning more effective

Fear of spiders: therapy more effective in the morning07/21/2014 The fear of spiders is one of the most common phobias...

Fear of pickled sausage cancer is slightly over-interpreted by meat related

Fear of sausage: carcinogenic context over-interpretedThe news flowed over since the World Health Organization (IARC) cancer agency reported that red...