Fear conditions in children Parents should urgently take the first warning signs seriously

Fear of going to the dark cellar? Eerie figures under the bed? Such and similar fears of children should not simply be dismissed by parents as "phantasms," but should be taken seriously. If the fear prevails, sufferers must be treated.
Take fears of children seriously
Children are often afraid of a variety of things: Darkness, thunder and lightning, the doctor's visit or the parents could split up. Many of them suffer not only from fear itself but also physically, for example from abdominal pain. Quite wrong then would be sentences like "Before you do not have to be afraid". Rather, parents should take the fears of children seriously. An expert explains in an interview what alarm signals are and how it can be helped.

Up to 15 percent of all children suffer from an anxiety disorder
Around ten to 15 percent of all children and adolescents suffer from an anxiety disorder. The news agency dpa reports on an interview with PD Dr. Susanne Knappe from the Outpatient Department for Children and Adolescents at the Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the TU Dresden, in which the expert explains when a child is no longer just shy and how to treat those affected.
Positively influence the children's future path of life
Childhood and adolescence is the period of time when the disease develops and the time window where the risk is greatest. According to Knappe, the chances are good to positively influence the children's future life, if they are treated at this age.
It is well known that at the age of four to five, separation fears or specific phobias often appear for the first time. For example, when young children start to sleep in their own room, they are sometimes afraid of the monster under the bed or the darkness. According to the expert, it is perfectly healthy for smaller children to call for their parents because they are still helpless.
However, the time window is eventually exceeded, then a development takes place and these fears are given. However, in a few children this is not the case, they are increasingly suffering from their anxiety.
Detect alarm signals
As the expert explains, fear itself is not an alarm signal, but rather how long it lasts. Does it last more than six months? Is it very pronounced, possibly accompanied by severe symptoms such as abdominal pain, protests or withdrawal? Or does fear seem exaggerated and occur in situations that are actually harmless? For example, if the kids do not want to say goodbye in kindergarten, because they fear that the parents could have an accident and not come back.
Or afraid to walk a few hundred meters to the friend alone. Fear of addressing other children in the playground or asking the teacher at school if something was not understood.
Treatment of anxiety disorders
For pediatric patients, the pediatrician is often the first port of call. At the Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the TU Dresden there is an outpatient clinic for children and adolescents. There is also research into how to further improve the treatment of anxiety disorders.
For the current study "Children cope with anxiety" (KibA), children between the ages of eight and 14 are still being sought. Information can be found in a flyer of the university.
Under the point: "You too can defeat your fear!" It says: "You learn how your fear arises and better understand why you react to certain things with fear. Together with the therapist, you develop strategies for fighting anxiety. Gradually you practice in small trials of courage to master difficult situations. "(Ad)