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Health News - Page 1994
Bach flowers in natural medicine
The history of the Bach flowers - or: "Bach flowers bloom by the stream?" The use of Bach Flower essences...
Bach flowers - gentle support for everyone
What are Bach flowers? Bach flowers - gentle support for everyone What are Bach flowers? What do they do? Who...
Avoid Baby Speech To better master everyday life with dementia patients
Baby language is taboo - mastering everyday life with dementia patientsDiagnosing Alzheimer's is usually a big shock to the whole...
Babies of older fathers are more likely to have health problems
How great is the influence of the age of fathers on the health of their babies? Does a father's age...
Baby's breastfeeding problems are often a consequence of the shortened tongue ribbon
Shortening of the tongue ribbon causes difficulty in breastfeedingProblems with breastfeeding are by no means uncommon, with many mothers first...
Babies should change their head position
Babies should change their head position more often 08.02.2012 When sleeping, babies should lie on their backs to reduce the...
Babies by intuition better in math as a 3-year-old
Intuition gives babies a mathematical and physical understanding 04/16/2014 Babies already have „through an intuitive understanding of numbers, sets, and...
Babies infected with dangerous bowel germs
Renewed case of contagion on neonatal ward in FreiburgYet again germs on the preemie ward: As reported by the news...
Babies learn humor from parents
Developmental psychology: Toddlers look for humor from their parents 07/09/2012 According to a recent study presented at the British Psychological...
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