Babies should change their head position

Babies should change their head position / Health News

Babies should change their head position more often


When sleeping, babies should lie on their backs to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. It is important to change the head position to avoid deformation of the back of the head.

Many babies have a preferred head position
While babies sleep, parents should be careful to change their head position regularly. The professional association of pediatricians (BVKJ) informs about this in a recent report. If an infant regularly takes the same head position when sleeping in a supine position, this could result in deformations of the back of the head, the dressing reports. It was easier for some babies to turn their heads to a certain side. Then parents should create an incentive for the child to turn his head to the other side. In addition to the votes of the parents could also toys or a music box help.

Professor Hans-Jürgen Nentwich, board member of BVKJ explains: „Head deformations in the baby are usually caused by the cramped position in the maternal abdomen or at birth or later by a one-sided sleeping position. Only if a deformation in the course of the first six months of life, despite changing head position does not improve or seems to worsen, further investigations are required.“

About 13 percent of babies have a one-sided head deformation
The BVKJ points out that American pediatricians estimate that about 13 percent of babies have a one-sided head deformation or a flattened back of the head. Particularly affected are infants at the age of four months. In this time, the deformations are usually the strongest, but these form back again. „If the baby is awake and can lift his head on his own, it should also lie on his stomach under the supervision of the parents“, explains Nentwich, adding that the prone position prevents deformity of the back of the head and trains the baby's shoulder and neck muscles.

Supine position reduces risk of sudden infant death syndrome
Although the causes of sudden infant death syndrome are not fully understood, parents are advised to put their children on their backs while sleeping. Professor Gerhard Jorch from the University Hospital Magdeburg has been one of the leading scientists in the field of research for many years „sudden infant death“. He adds that the supine position in combination with a pacifier is the best precaution for the baby. Although the number of cases of sudden infant death syndrome is decreasing significantly, around 250 babies still die every year in Germany. The biggest risk is the 100th day of life of the child. Only about five percent of deaths occur after the first year of life. (Ag)

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Sabrina Gonstalla