Health News - Page 19

Total sugar - how useful is a total sugar waiver?

Current trends suggest a temporary sugar-fasting Sugar is omnipresent. For many industrial drinks and foods such as sweets, chocolates, cakes,...

Sugar makes you sick AOK calls for quick action

Government must do something against high sugar consumption03/23/2015 Those who consume a lot of sugar endanger their health. The number...

Sugar is poisonous and makes you fat

US physicians: High sugar intake is responsible for obesity and many diseases 19/12/2014 „Sugar is poison“, says American paediatrics professor...

Difficult to measure sugar in food

Sugar in food is difficult for consumers to recognize01/28/2014 Too much sugar is unhealthy. This realization is not necessarily new...

Sugar helps the energy metabolism and is still unhealthy

EuG rejects German company Dextro Energy(Jur). Health-related advertising for food can be inadmissible even if the statements are correct. Although...

Sugar-fat tax against overweight

Sugar-fat tax is designed to curb obesity 22/05/2014 People with obesity and obesity often face serious health consequences. A British...

Twitching eyelid by angry nerve

If the eye twitches, an "angry nerve" could be responsible 05/30/2012 Most people know the symptom „Twitch eyelid“. When the...

Too few people in Germany can be vaccinated against the flu

Experts warn: benefit of flu shot of risk groups often unrecognized Last winter, nearly 60,000 people in Germany had to...

Too little knowledge about sex diseases

BZgA Survey: For many Germans hardly any knowledge about Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphillis available 06/18/2014 Many Germans have little knowledge...