Health News - Page 1728

Patents increase drug costs burden more and more patients

Patents drive up prices: Pharmaceutical costs in Germany at record levelsDrug costs in Germany rose to a new record last...

Disabled by migraines Patients suffer especially in everyday life

Out of action: When migraine restricts everyday lifeThe symptoms that sufferers suffer from a migraine attack are often unbearable: throbbing...

More attractive to mosquitoes due to malaria infections

Infections with the malaria pathogen attract mosquitoes 07/01/2014 An infection with the malaria pathogen influences the host's fragrance and makes...

Through herbal mixture, teenagers in the clinic

Herbal mixture smoked - adolescents in the hospital17/11/2013 For two young people from the Franconian town of Bad Neustadt smoking...

Due to herpes weaker immune system

Due to herpes weaker immune system in later age 17/08/2012 A particularly herpes virus is said to make the immune...

Attract more blood donors through good actions

World Blood Donor Day: Actions should attract more donorsAlthough around one third of Germans could donate blood, only three percent...

By yawning cool the brain

Yawning to thermoregulate the brain 07/05/2014 Yawning helps to regulate the temperature in the brain. This was the result of...

By spice mixtures no EHEC danger

By spice mixtures no EHEC danger 01/07/2011 On Thursday, the news agencies reported that a total of two European authorities...

Endometriosis unbearable menstrual pain

Unbearable menstrual pain may indicate endometriosis 07/19/2012 Many women suffer from menstrual cramps. However, if these are very strong every...