Health News - Page 1684

Empathy-reducing painkillers like acetaminophen curbs our compassion significantly

Painkillers with side effects: Paracetamol apparently weakens our sympathy Paracetamol is one of the most common painkillers in Germany. Health...

Emotionless? Post-traumatic stress disorder!

Emotionslosigkeit may indicate a post-traumatic stress disorder 05/26/2013 According to the Swiss Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (SGPP), post-traumatic stress...

Emotions Psyche can quickly disengage the heart

Emotional stress can damage the heartNot a few people beats the stress not only proverbially but also physically on the...

Emotions Jealousy changes your perception

Emotions: Jealousy changes perceptions: Researchers from the Department of Psychology at Delaware University (USA) have used psychological experiments to test...

Emotional Depression Depression reaches its peak in January

Sick leave due to depression in January peaked According to health experts, the absence days due to mental illness have...

Emotional effects Rats can cause depression in humans

Rats have a similar emotional impact as the threat of physical violenceMany people do not like rats and find them...

Cloned embryonic stem cells

US scientists are cloning embryonic stem cells from reprogrammed human skin cells05/17/2013 US researchers at the Oregon Health & Science...

Embryo was frozen for almost 24 years. Woman gives birth to snow baby

"Snow Baby" born: Woman carries out 24-year-old embryo A 25-year-old American woman has had an embryo frozen for more than...

Parental Allowance Higher percentage of working mothers

Share of working mothers significantly increased by parental allowance 05/23/2014 Since the introduction of the parental allowance in 2007, the...