Cloned embryonic stem cells

Cloned embryonic stem cells / Health News

US scientists are cloning embryonic stem cells from reprogrammed human skin cells


US researchers at the Oregon Health & Science University have for the first time succeeded in cloning human skin cell embryonic stem cells. Their groundbreaking research results have left Dr. Shoukhrat Mitalipov in the trade magazine „Cell“ released. In the future, with the help of the new method, embryonic stem cells could be obtained in a relatively simple and ethically less questionable way, the researchers hope.

Oregon Health & Science University reproductive medicine has made embryonic stem cells from the skin cells of human donors in the lab, which have been able to transform into any other cells. „Thorough examination of the stem cells demonstrated their ability to transform, like normal embryonic stem cells, into various cell types including nerve cells, liver cells and cardiac cells“, explains Dr. Mitalipov in a recent press release from the Health & Science University.

New possibilities in the treatment of many diseases?
For the production of the embryonic stem cells, the scientists used Mitalipov the „Variation of a commonly used method called nuclear transfer of somatic cells (also SCNT)“, so the press release of the university. In the process, the nuclei of human donor skin cells were transplanted into an egg cell whose genetic material had previously been removed. In the Petri dish, the artificial embryo or the unfertilized egg cell developed further and finally began to produce stem cells, Mitalipov and colleagues report. They have been able to develop into any body cells and, according to the scientists, offer great potential in the treatment of diseases such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, various heart diseases and spinal cord injuries.

Win embryonic stem cells from skin cells
Although the new process is similar to previous clone experiments, such as that of the sheep Dolly, but the researchers are trying to dispel any concerns in this direction. Their method, called therapeutic cloning „would probably not be successful in the production of human clones (also known as reproductive cloning)“, so the assessment of the scientists. A statement, however, which offers no reliable security and acts like water on the mills of the critics. On the other hand, the advantage of the method is in fact that no human embryos are needed to obtain the stem cells. „In addition, there are no concerns about graft rejection because these reprogrammed cells can be generated with nuclear genetic material by the patient“, for whose treatment they are intended Mitalipov another advantage of the procedure.

Cloning of humans with the procedure is not possible?
„While there is still much work to be done on developing safe and effective stem cell treatments, we believe that this is a significant step forward in the development of cells for use in regenerative medicine“, the researchers report to Dr. Mitalipov. Aware of the ethical controversy surrounding stem cell research, the study leader added: „Our research serves to generate stem cells for use in the treatment and control of diseases.“ The cloning of humans „is not the focus, nor do we believe that our findings could be used by others to promote the possibility of reproductive human cloning“, so Dr. Mitalipov. (Fp)

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Picture credits: Petra Dietz