Health News - Page 1642

Exhausted and tired - teens feel burned out

Many young people are regularly exhausted and tiredA recent study by the Schwenningen health insurance shows that more and more...

Replacement organs of pigs in humans transplantable?

Experts succeed great breakthrough in the transplantation of organsA vision of genetic engineering is the use of the organs of...

Replacement options for animal experiments asked

New research network is to develop alternatives to animal experimentsAnimal experiments are still highly controversial and there is a significant...

Replacement funds warn insured persons before PKV change

The Verband der Ersatzkassen (vdek) voluntarily warns against statutory health insurance before switching to private health insurance. Because that „angry...

Replacement funds do not exclude additional contribution

Compensation funds do not rule out additional contributions for 2011: Health insurances already prepare insured persons for further additional contributions....

Ersatzkassen risks due to new heart therapy

New TAVI method poses dangers for cardiac patients28/10/2013 The Verband der Deutschen Ersatzkassen (vdek) warns of the risks of a...

Substitute funds also terminate family doctor contract

Bavarian Ersatzkassen also terminate the family doctor contract 20.12.2010 After the AOK Bavaria already last week announced the termination without...

Pathogens lurk in the cat's gut Toxoplasmosis parasites alter our synapses in the brain

Many people get infected: how the toxoplasmosis parasite transforms the synapses in the brain Pets do a great job for...

Serious Recall Discounter recalls dishes due to escaping toxins now!

This bamboo harness should not be used As TEDI GmbH & Co. KG recently announced, product testing has revealed elevated...