Health News - Page 1591

Particulate pollution Fewer deaths with less fertilizer use

Experts are studying the effects of agriculture on particulate matter pollution So-called fine dust is particularly harmful to health because...

Particulate pollution increases heart attack risk

01/29/2014 Long-term particulate matter pollution - even below the currently set limit values ​​- is associated with an increased risk...

Fine dust alarm commuters should leave their car at its best

Stuttgart. When Austrian researchers calculated the particulate matter pollution in EU cities for the year 2030, the model calculation showed...

Fine dust acts up to the brain

Far-reaching consequences of particulate matter pollution 09/06/2014 Numerous studies have already investigated possible health effects caused by high particulate matter...

Fine dust contamination Tiny little disease makers with a high health risk

It has long been known that air pollution represents a major health risk. Studies have shown that there is an...

Particulate matter reactivates sleeping viruses in the lungs

Particulate pollution arouses inactive virusesIncreased particulate matter pollution is associated with a variety of health impairments. Scientists from the Helmholtz...

Particulate matter affects heart function

Study: Fine dust affects heart function15/04/2015 Health damaging effects of fine dust have been known for some time. Ultrafine particles,...

Learning fine motor skills Children do not necessarily have to paint

Movements of hand-finger coordination can also be practiced otherwise Children should paint a lot to train their fine motor skills....

Absenteeism Lousy mood in the company a health hazard

Bad mood in the company: Dissatisfied workers are often illWorkers who are dissatisfied with supervisors and wages endanger their health....