Particulate matter affects heart function
Study: Fine dust affects heart function
Health damaging effects of fine dust have been known for some time. Ultrafine particles, in particular, appear to play a role in cardiac function - even if they are only exposed to them for a few minutes. This could prove scientists from Munich now.
Under fine dust, all dust particles with a diameter smaller than 10 micrometers (PM10) are combined. This again distinguishes fine particles smaller than 2.5 microns in diameter and thus respirable, and ultrafine particles less than 0.1 micrometer (100 nanometers) in diameter, which can also enter the bloodstream.
The scientists from the Helmholtz Zentrum München from Munich examined the special effects of the ultrafine particles on the heart in 64 study participants, all of whom suffered from elevated blood glucose or type 2 diabetes. The ultrafine particles led to altered heart rate variability within five minutes.
For fine dust or fine particles harmful effects could already be detected in other studies. In the present study, they are below the thresholds applicable in the EU. The role of ultrafine particles has been unclear: Scientists are assuming additional health-damaging effects - limit values are not yet available. (Pm)
Picture: Joerg Trampert