Health News - Page 1544

Research Health risks due to released nanoparticles from hip prostheses

Release of nanoparticles from artificial hip joints investigated Every year, thousands of people in Germany receive artificial hip joints. The...

Research Spiritual training delays the Alzheimer outbreak

People who keep their brain "fit" in middle age protect themselves from Alzheimer'sWhen people engage their brain through various activities,...

Research against malaria falters because of lack of money

Fight against malaria falters because of lack of money: Hundreds of thousands more malaria victims 18/12/2012 In the fight against...

Research Early Alzheimer's Diagnoses by Proteins in Nervous Water

Alzheimer's discernible years before the outbreak?Several times in recent years, supposedly revolutionary healing methods against Alzheimer's were propagated, but until...

Research early risers show a lower risk of depression

Our sleep type influences the risk of depression? Depression is becoming increasingly common in today's world. Researchers have now found...

Research Women today are more adventurous and self-confident during sex

Women have become more adventurous and self-confident in sex than in the past. This shows a long-term study. However, many...

Research Do not fish more than three times per week for pregnant women

That pregnant women should pay attention to a healthy diet is known. Now Greek scientists warn that pregnant women should...

Research for holistic micronutrient therapies will be funded

FHM Bielefeld and the Foundation for Micronutrients cooperate in research and teaching The Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) receives a four-year...

Research FoxO gene promises eternal youth

Researchers reveal mystery of the Eternal Life Gene 11/16/2012 The pursuit of immortality and eternal youth has occupied people for...