Health News - Page 1525

Women's Health The Unknown Rushing Woman Syndrome

Dr. Libby Weaver: The Rushing Woman syndromeFemale sexual and stress hormones are closely related: if they are not in balance,...

Womanbeard on upper lip hair growth. Sign of ovarian disease

Behind strong hair growth can put dangerous ovarian diseaseIf women have very strong hair growth, this may be an indication...

Gynecologist Secret photos of patients

Gynecologist is said to have made secret recordings of patients for years 09/05/2013 A gynecologist from Schifferstadt in Rhineland-Palatinate is...

Women get pregnant later and later

Women get pregnant later and later 10.05.2011 In Germany, women are becoming mothers later, as a study by the health...

Women far ahead in self-medication

When it comes to self-medication, women are in the lead: while 80 percent of women always try to help themselves...

Women die earlier and more frequently from cancer

Smoking harms women more than men: The cancer death comes earlier and more often 03/06/2012 Women show a particularly high...

Women now drink as much alcohol as the men's world

Alcohol consumption by women has become similar to that of menSo far, it has usually been men who have been...

Women hit financial crisis stronger

According to an analysis, women are more affected by the financial crisis than men. Inequality in the labor market is...

Women should eat tofu to protect bones after menopause

Soya protects the bone health of postmenopausal women Researchers now found that post-menopausal women should regularly take tofu. Soybean-rich foods...